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VOC Screening
VOC Screening was developed for the purpose of determining as many volatile organic compounds as simply as possible. Find out all the possibilities here.

What does a VOC Screening entail?
The VOC Screening provides a global picture of the volatile organic compounds (VOC) present. It is indicated here which type of component it concerns, such as hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers,...
But also a semi-quantification, in which a calculated estimate is made of the quantity that has been detected of each compound. Due to our manual approach, automatically generated results are checked and adjusted based on our knowledge.

Principle of a VOC Screening
In the lab, the air captured is passed over an adsorbent, on which the VOC are retained. Specific equipment (TD-GC-MS) is used to extract, separate, identify and quantify the components on the adsorbent.
A VOC Screening can range from a total analysis, with as many components as possible being determined, to a reduced form with the focus being on a few key components.
- Specific Group: Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Organic Sulfur Compounds
- 10 target compounds to determine efficiency of a purifying filter

A list of compounds as a result of a VOC Screening. Now what?
Because of our total approach, we can also interpret the list of results. The information we obtain from you at the beginning of the project allows us to provide additional interpretation and, for example, to compare results against odour threshold values and/or limit values.
How can we help?
Do you have questions about VOC analysis? We can be reached via the channels below or leave a message on our contact page.